What we do
We collaborate with our clients to create solutions to define their future. In doing so, we use different combinations of the programs listed below. If you would like to inquire about solutions and opportunities for your organization, please reach out to us for an exploratory call.
Finding the Purpose of organizations is the start to unleash the powers that come with every step of further implementation. Although it requires courage and determination to become a Pupose led High Perfomance organization, it will be a fun and amazing road to travel.
Before we start, we define the KPI’s on which we measure the results of the programs.
Learning more about the framework
1 Purpose finding & Values
“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”
– Friedrich Nietzsche
Purpose as we see it, is an audacious vision and goal that inspires and connects everyone connected to the organization. Since it is so much bigger than what is achieved now, it will act as a compass thus continuously leading in the right direction.
Our clients seek us out for Uncovering the organizational Purpose when they want to
- Attract and contain high potentials, especially millennials
- Become more innovative
- Build a strong culture of trust and achievement
- Connect more to their customers
- Become a broadly responsible organization
We have a specific approach for Pre- and Post merger and acquisition alignment. The Purposes and values of the two different organizations make it clear if it is possible to align them. A new joint purpose is a very strong ‘tool’ to merge the two different cultures.
We uncover or define Purpose in a number of different ways. As a result a set of statements will come up. Ranging from inspiring to strongly emotionally charged, depending on the approach used.
We support you in using the method and resulting Purpose that suits you best at this moment.
Assessment of Company Purpose at present (free)
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2 Purpose loading
Having a Purpose will be exciting and creates lots of opportunity. Mainly because of the positive implications it will have when put to good use. Also it provides direction for everyone in and around your company. Feel free to review those benefits here.
Brand authenticity
“A wind that blows aimlessly is no good to anyone.”
– Rick Riordan
Brands with a positive impact on people’s lives grow brand value twice as fast than brands with low perceived impact (Kantar Millward Brown BrandZtm)
This number will only grow in the time to come with Millennials and the age group after them, Generation Z, becoming a bigger influence. They highly value purpose and positive impact. A future proof company can therefore no longer ignore Purpose when aiming to keep and strengthen competitive edge.
After having found your Purpose, our specialists help you translate your purpose into the right strategy and content and to be successful by being authentic. Authenticity is key. When you say to have positive impact, it needs to be real and visible. When it is perceived as a trick to sell more, the use of Purpose will turn against you.
Human Being Management
“If you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.”
– Albert Einstein
No company will be a High Performance Organization without engaged and high performing employees. You need to attract talent and be able to light them up throughout the years of their tenure. Being Purpose led will attract people who resonate with your purpose and who run the extra mile because they want to, not because they are driven by or even expect reward.
With Purpose the environment is created for High Performance while your people have a place to:
- be proud of
- have Fun
- grow as an individual
- be part of something bigger
Raising engagement and loyalty lowers cost of hiring, mistakes and risk, the loss of experience, while at the same time the innovative and problem-solving power goes up.
We have the programs for Purpose related hiring and recruitment, Performance- and talent management, risk- and innovation management to make this happen.
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Purposeful Leadership
“Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.”
– Shannon Alder
The purpose of your company gives direction to leadership. It will be used as a compass for crucial decisions. Living the purpose shows stakeholders what the company stands for and is making happen.
The quality and type of leadership determines to a large extend how well your people can develop and as a result feel safe to take the risks needed to excel personally AND as a company.
They find the creative solutions with suppliers and partners realizing win-win cooperation.
The kind of leadership needed for a Purpose led High Performance Organization can be learned, trained and coached.
You will have to show what the new way of working is, which cannot be faked and thus requires professional as well as personal shifts. That is why we don’t do traditional leadership training. Instead we make all lessons very experiential to allow your leaders to make shifts rather than add knowledge. We do this through one on one coaching with your senior leaders and days offsite with all leaders to shift the way they look at their role in the company.
Assessment of Company leadership at present (free)
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3 Purpose encultured
“A company is nothing more than a group of people sharing a common purpose”
At this stage we screen every aspect of the organization on its alignment and support of the purpose. Hence growing The company into a true High Performance organization.
This is a culture of transparency and trust; people mean what they say and are prepared to support each other.
With building your culture, an important competitive edge comes in; aspects like products and strategy can be copied whereas culture is complex and unique and for that reason very difficult to imitate.
Assessment of Company culture at present (free)
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Values are what’s important for you and what you want in life. Organizations also have values. These values are at the core of the corporate culture.
We know that when you measure your culture, you can manage it. The better the organizational values and the personal values are alligned, the higher the engagement.
Using the Barrett Values Cultural Transformation Tools we measure the cultural health of an organization. As a result the potential limiting values become clear and what the configuration of values need to be to give your organization maximum speed.

The tools also form a great basis for hiring, talent management and building a strong and healthy organizational culture leading to High Performance.
Personal Values Assessment (free)
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Win-Win with all stakeholders
Culture does not stay within the walls of the organization. Stakeholders such as shareholders, suppliers, partners and customers or clients are also part of your direct sphere of influence. They are fully included at this stage as well.
Considering the long term effects and building true win – win relationships with them, it will further strengthen your position as a Purpose led High Performance Organization.
Continuous Measurement
By using our Stakeholder Continuous Measurement system to track key purpose indicators you fully own and integrate your continued journey to reach and express your purpose. So these indicators monitor the well-being of your stakeholders, functioning as an early warning system.
Assessment of Stakeholder orientation at present (free)
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4 Purpose as a movement
“Work for a cause, not for applause”
– Grace Lichtenstein
A Purpose led High Performance organization is about being connected. Connected to yourself, connected to the people around you and around them. This comes with the understanding of the responsibility to take care of everything you are connected with.
Purpose led High Performance Organizations reach out beyond their direct circle of influence and improve aspects in society and environment they are connected with, because of their purpose.
In this way they live and prove their Purpose. This further energizes who they are and how they are seen.
Being a Purpose led High Performance organization is not an end goal. So, it leads you on a road with ever changing circumstances offering new opportunities.
Assessment of Company Purpose at present (free)
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